Tämä biisi on ahdistava. Vaikka @junkmail ei mikään mahtavan suuri bändi ole, eikä sen tuotanto ole mitään priimaa, on pakko ihailla minkälainen tunnelataus tähän biisiin on saatu aikaseksi (paitsi naislaulaja, en pidä siitä yhtään xD).
@junkmailin kuuntelu loppui minulla vähitellen. Alkoi paremmat ajat joten ei ollut tarvetta näihin oikein ahdistaviin biiseihin. En muistanut koko bändiä ennen kuin tätä listaa kootessa.
Kappale: Ei koskaan enää
Esittäjä: @junkmail
Albumi: Karu totuus
Esittäjä: @junkmail
Albumi: Karu totuus
Julkaistu: 2004
Maa: Suomi
Maa: Suomi
Genre: Rap
Mr. Producer
Mr. Producer
46th song is @junkmail - Ei koskaan enää
This was one of those songs for bad days which I listened when I was freshman in high school. Personally I've never had such grudge for someone but the song has another meaning for me. It reminds me of a feeling. Do you know when some songs, smells, movies, tastes, brings back memories, but those memories are more of like feelings, emotions, not actual memories of something that's happened. This song causes me that kind of memory of a feeling. It's very vague vibe, you can't really catch it and you can't connect it to anything but still it's very strong. It's difficult to explain.
This song is fraught. Although, @junkmail has never been very big band, and it's productions aren't the finest, I must admire how much there's emotional charge in the song (expect the female singer, I don't like her xD)
Little by little I stopped listening @junkmail. I experienced must happier times and I didn't have the need listen to fraught songs. I didn't even remember the band before I made this list.
Song: Ei koskaan enää
Performed by: @junkmail
Album: Karu totuus
Performed by: @junkmail
Album: Karu totuus
Released: 2004
Country: Finland
Country: Finland
Genre: Rap
Mr. Producer
Mr. Producer
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