Ala-asteella pidimme välillä musiikintunneilla levyraateja. Muistan tuoneeni joskus tämän biisin mukanani. Tämä oli yhdessä ensimmäisimmissä cd-levyissäni jotka aikoinani sain/hankin. Kyseessä oli lastenlevy, muistaakseni kansi oli violetin värinen tms. Tämä taisi olla levyn aloitusbiisi. Muita biisejä levyllä oli esim. Titi-Nallen jokin ystävä laulu ja olisikohan ollu Markan possu... hyvin hämäriä muistikuvia. Uusia ja vanhoja biisejä sekaisin. Se oli hyvä levy :) En tosin tiedä minne se on joutunut.
Tämä oli jotenkin todella hauska biisi levyraadissa. Pojat eivät tykänneet biisistä ollenkaan, mutta tytöt lauloivat sitäkin kovemmin :D Ja pojille tietenkin. Tämä oli siitä harvinainen biisi, että pidin siitä vaikka sen lauloivatkin kaksi lasta. Menee tämä edelleenkin mutta vain pieninä annoksina.
Musiikkivideo on taattua 80-lukua xD
Kappale: Atsipoppaa
Esittäjä: Reetta ja Sanna
Julkaisuvuosi: 1983
Maa: Suomi
Genre: Lastenlaulut
Sävellys: Veikko Samuli
Sanoitus: Jorma Toiviainen
Sovitus: Veikko Samuli
34th song is Reetta ja Sanna - Atsipoppaa
Once awhile we held music panels in primary school. I remember bringing this song with me once. This song was in one of my first ever bought/gotten album. It was children's album, if I remember right the cover was purple or something like that. I think this was the first song in the album. The other songs were a some kind of a friend song from Ti-Ti Nalle and maybe there was a song called Markan possu too... I'm not really sure. There were new and old songs in it. It was a good album :) I don't know where I have put it.
I thought this to be very fun song in the music panel. Boys didn't really like it but girls were singing it loud :D and of course to boys. This is rare song which I have liked even though it has two child singers. It's OK even now but only while listened once and awhile.
The music video is pure 80's xD
Sävellys: Veikko Samuli
Sanoitus: Jorma Toiviainen
Sovitus: Veikko Samuli
34th song is Reetta ja Sanna - Atsipoppaa
Once awhile we held music panels in primary school. I remember bringing this song with me once. This song was in one of my first ever bought/gotten album. It was children's album, if I remember right the cover was purple or something like that. I think this was the first song in the album. The other songs were a some kind of a friend song from Ti-Ti Nalle and maybe there was a song called Markan possu too... I'm not really sure. There were new and old songs in it. It was a good album :) I don't know where I have put it.
I thought this to be very fun song in the music panel. Boys didn't really like it but girls were singing it loud :D and of course to boys. This is rare song which I have liked even though it has two child singers. It's OK even now but only while listened once and awhile.
The music video is pure 80's xD
Song: Atsipoppaa
Performed by: Reetta ja Sanna
Released: 1983
Country: Finland
Genre: Children
Composed by: Veikko Samuli
Written by: Jorma Toiviainen
Arranged by: Veikko Samuli
Composed by: Veikko Samuli
Written by: Jorma Toiviainen
Arranged by: Veikko Samuli
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