Nyt mentiin todella kauas. Ehkä yksiin ensimmäisiin musiikillisiin muistoihini. Rakastin Ti-Ti Nallea! Ja täytyy myöntää, että onhan se Ti-Ti edelleen kova sana.
Omistin kolme kasettia. Tämän Ti-Ti Nallen lauluja 1, Ti-Ti Nallen talossa tapahtuu sekä Ti-Ti Nallen joulu. Pakko myöntää, että Ti-Ti Nallen joulun ilmestymisen jälkeen (luultavastikin vuosi 1992) en kauheasti enää kuullut uusia kappaleita Ti-Ti Nallelta ja olen auttamattomasti ulkona siitä millaista musiikkia Ti-Ti Nallella on nykyään. Näitä kolmea kasettia on kuitenkin kuunneltu joka päivä ja useasti varsinkin 90-luvun puolella. Muistan vieläkin melkein kaikki laulut ulkoa ja pidän niiden laulamisesta vieläkin :)
Pidin Ti-Tistä niin paljon, että nimesin lempi unilelunikin Ti-Tiksi. Lelun sain syntymälahjaksi kummeiltani ja on ollut rakkain leluni lapsesta asti. Ti-Ti voi edelleen hyvin ja tällä hetkellä istuu olohuoneessamme nojaten CD-soittimeen. Ti-Ti toimittaa edelleen unilelun työtään vaikkakin nyt kun pääsin taas kotiin, eikä minun tarvitse nukkua enää yksin, saa Ti-Ti hieman hengähtää ja unikaverina se tulee toimimaan enää satunnaisesti suurimmissa hädissä. Oma Ti-Ti nalleni on tärkein omaisuuteni ja pelkään sen menevän rikki, katoavan tai tuhoutuvan. Se on yllättävän hyväkuntoinen nalle huolimatta 29 vuoden iästään ja kovasta työurastaan.
Voisin sanoa, että Ti-Ti Nalle on vaikuttanut elämääni hyvinkin paljon, ehkä huomaamattaan. Se oli ensimmäinen oikeasti fanittamani musiikki. Mutta pidin vain musiikista. Pikku Kakkosessa esitettiin Ti-Ti Nalle ohjelmaa mutta en koskaan oikein pitänyt siitä. Syynä saattoi olla lapset jotka olivat siinä mukana. En pitänyt lapsiesiintyjistä (muussa kuin Tenavatähdessä) ja luulen, että yksi syy miksi en pitänyt ohjelmasta oli myös kateus. Minäkin halusin esiintymään telkkariin mutta olin liian ujo osallistumaan edes Tenavatähteen :/ En ole ikinä ollut Ti-Ti Nallen konserteissa saatika Ti-Ti Nallen talossa Ikaalisissa. Varsinkin talossa haluaisin joskus vielä päästä käymään.
Oli hyvin vaikeaa valita Ti-Ti Nallelta biisiä tähän listaan, saattaa olla siis että tulee vielä muitakin. Spotify kuitenkin sai valita minulle tämän Unilaulun. Olen aina pitänyt oikeastaan kaikista Ti-Ti Nallen unilauluista joihin kasetin A ja B puoli aina loppui. Hyvä idea :)
Kiitos Riitta ja Ti-Ti Nalle! Toivottavasti jatkatte ilon tuomista lapsille vielä pitkään!
Esittäjä: Riitta Korpela
Albumi: Ti-Ti Nallen lauluja 1
Levy-yhtiö: Ti-Ti Tuotanto oy
Maa: Suomi
Julkaisuvuosi: 1989
Genre: Children
Sävellys: Korpela, Riitta
Sanoitus: Korpela, Riitta
Sovitus: Kankaanpää, Ari; Hänninen, Jukka
11th song is Ti-Ti Nalle - Unilaulu
Now we are way back in time. Maybe even in one of my first music memories. I loved Ti-Ti Nalle (Ti-Ti Bear)! And I must admit, Ti-Ti is still kind of cool.
I had three cassettes. This first one, Ti-Ti Nallen lauluja 1 (The songs of Ti-Ti Bear 1), Ti-Ti Nallen talossa tapahtuu (There's happening in the Ti-Ti Bear's house) and Ti-Ti Nallen joulu (Ti-Ti Bear's Christmas). I must admit that after the album Ti-Ti Nallen joulu was released (I think it was 1992) I haven't really heard new songs from Ti-Ti Nalle and I'm totally left out of what kind of music there is nowadays. Of course I have listened these three cassettes almost everyday and especially in 90's. I can still sing most of them by heart and still I'm singing them with pleasure :)
I loved Ti-Ti Nalle and I also named my favourite teddy-bear after him. I got my teddy-bear as birth gift from my god parents and from that day it's been my favourite toy. Ti-Ti is still doing great and at the moment he is sitting in our living-room leaning on our CD-player. Ti-Ti has always slept with me even these days, although, now I'm home again and I don't have to really sleep alone anymore, I have given Ti-Ti a well earned vacation and I will again sleep with him when I'll need it most. My Ti-Ti bear is the most valued possession I have and I'm always afraid that he will broke, disappear or will be destroyed somehow. Actually, he's surprisingly well preserved even though he's 29 years old and he has had a hard career.
I could say that Ti-Ti Nalle has been influencing my life much, maybe even unnoticed. Actually, it was the first music I really were fan of. But I only liked the music. In Pikku Kakkonen (Little Two, children's programme in Finland) there were a programme for Ti-Ti Nalle but I didn't really like it much. It might be because there were other kids in it. I never really liked children performers (else than Tenavatähti, Kid Star, a singing contest for children in Finland that was screened for TV) and I think that the main reason was because I was jealous. I too wanted to perform on TV but I was too shy even to attend in Tenavatähti :/ I haven't also never been on Ti-Ti Nalle's concerts or at the amusement house Ti-Ti Nallen talo (The house of the Ti-Ti Bear) at Ikaalinen. I would like to visit even at the house someday.
It was really hard for me to choose just one song from Ti-Ti Nalle to this list, and it might be there's even more coming, but I let Spotify to decide for me this time and it gave me this Unilaulu (Lullaby). I've always liked Ti-Ti Nalle's lullabies and every cassette ended with one in both A and B sides. That was good idea :)
Thank you Riitta and Ti-Ti Nalle! I hope you continue on spreading the joy among kids for long time!
Song: Unilaulu
Performed by: Riitta Korpela
Maa: Suomi
Julkaisuvuosi: 1989
Genre: Children
Sävellys: Korpela, Riitta
Sanoitus: Korpela, Riitta
Sovitus: Kankaanpää, Ari; Hänninen, Jukka
11th song is Ti-Ti Nalle - Unilaulu
Now we are way back in time. Maybe even in one of my first music memories. I loved Ti-Ti Nalle (Ti-Ti Bear)! And I must admit, Ti-Ti is still kind of cool.
I had three cassettes. This first one, Ti-Ti Nallen lauluja 1 (The songs of Ti-Ti Bear 1), Ti-Ti Nallen talossa tapahtuu (There's happening in the Ti-Ti Bear's house) and Ti-Ti Nallen joulu (Ti-Ti Bear's Christmas). I must admit that after the album Ti-Ti Nallen joulu was released (I think it was 1992) I haven't really heard new songs from Ti-Ti Nalle and I'm totally left out of what kind of music there is nowadays. Of course I have listened these three cassettes almost everyday and especially in 90's. I can still sing most of them by heart and still I'm singing them with pleasure :)
I loved Ti-Ti Nalle and I also named my favourite teddy-bear after him. I got my teddy-bear as birth gift from my god parents and from that day it's been my favourite toy. Ti-Ti is still doing great and at the moment he is sitting in our living-room leaning on our CD-player. Ti-Ti has always slept with me even these days, although, now I'm home again and I don't have to really sleep alone anymore, I have given Ti-Ti a well earned vacation and I will again sleep with him when I'll need it most. My Ti-Ti bear is the most valued possession I have and I'm always afraid that he will broke, disappear or will be destroyed somehow. Actually, he's surprisingly well preserved even though he's 29 years old and he has had a hard career.
I could say that Ti-Ti Nalle has been influencing my life much, maybe even unnoticed. Actually, it was the first music I really were fan of. But I only liked the music. In Pikku Kakkonen (Little Two, children's programme in Finland) there were a programme for Ti-Ti Nalle but I didn't really like it much. It might be because there were other kids in it. I never really liked children performers (else than Tenavatähti, Kid Star, a singing contest for children in Finland that was screened for TV) and I think that the main reason was because I was jealous. I too wanted to perform on TV but I was too shy even to attend in Tenavatähti :/ I haven't also never been on Ti-Ti Nalle's concerts or at the amusement house Ti-Ti Nallen talo (The house of the Ti-Ti Bear) at Ikaalinen. I would like to visit even at the house someday.
It was really hard for me to choose just one song from Ti-Ti Nalle to this list, and it might be there's even more coming, but I let Spotify to decide for me this time and it gave me this Unilaulu (Lullaby). I've always liked Ti-Ti Nalle's lullabies and every cassette ended with one in both A and B sides. That was good idea :)
Thank you Riitta and Ti-Ti Nalle! I hope you continue on spreading the joy among kids for long time!
Song: Unilaulu
Performed by: Riitta Korpela
Album: Ti-Ti Nallen lauluja 1
Lable: Ti-Ti Tuotanto oy
Country: Finland
Released: 1989
Genre: Children
Composed by: Korpela, Riitta
Written by: Korpela, Riitta
Arranged by: Kankaanpää, Ari; Hänninen, Jukka
Country: Finland
Released: 1989
Genre: Children
Composed by: Korpela, Riitta
Written by: Korpela, Riitta
Arranged by: Kankaanpää, Ari; Hänninen, Jukka
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